I wanted to further experiment materials on complex curved surfaces, lighting and compositing; so, I used a model in IGS (by Mr. Merrad), imported it into Solidworks, then in Blender; then, I made some adjustements and mesh cleaning, fixing some issues as well. I have added also a detailed Brembo Disc brake.
thanks for your comment.
The modelling can be improved, but - since I choose to use an existing IGS - I had to manually ‘mend’ the meshes once in Blender ( a real nightmare). Nurbs are great for perfectly curved shapes, but the meshes generated in the conversion process are really full of way too many vertex…next time, I will probably want to learn how to model nurbs surfaces directly in Blender.
Regarding the lighting: there’s one sun only, and I have used sIBL scenes just for that. Unfortunately, though, the sIBL GUI does not work properly in Blender 2.77a (I have opened a ticket for that, but I assume that Jed Frechette is not controlling the bug report continuosly). Anyway, even when the plugin was perfectly working (like in 2.72), the accurate positioning&aligning of a model over the scene is not a quick and easy task: the sIBL controls are great for lighting, but it seems to me that the GUI (GUI 4) is not updated as it should (you can
only rotate the scene-sphere, but no scaling nor location controls are usable). Which is a pity, since I think that sIBL could be a great tool.
I’ll try manual HDRI, then: and I want to better fix the materials for the car’s lights, snce there is too much internal reflection-interaction between the inner light casing and the external glass.
I’d be more impressed if you modeled the car yourself. I don’t see the fun in taking a free model and editing slight details, why not create it yourself?
thanks for your comments. Basically, I do agree with you. But …
As I wrote, I decided to experiment with materials and Scene setup on a car; that’s why I’ve used an existing model. I’m now in the process of developing&experimenting materials and scenery integration, which I need to improve.
This Audi R8 is just a personal case study, not meaning to ‘impress’ anybody.
The issue here is not modelling (I think I’m a quite good modeller, though: please check my current work-in-progress on the Boeing 777 external modelling, attached), but lights, materials, scenery, and rendering. that’s the issue onto which I would like to get comments.
While working, I’ve discovered that to ‘manually mend’ a mesh from IGS is a real nightmare, and will undoubtedly make my own model next time. But - probably - I’ll go for another car.
By the way, in this current model the whole headlight group has been remodelled from scratch by myself, since it did not correspond to actual part.