Another F1 car, but not from the very far future. It’s only the rough base, but surely it will change.
Comments are welcome.
Another F1 car, but not from the very far future. It’s only the rough base, but surely it will change.
Comments are welcome.
i like that alot. especially the tires.
the whole thing looks very stream lined.
nice work.
I have worked a bit on this car. The rear tires are done, I will work on the front wheels. I tryed to make the pilot, but I’m not satisfied with the model of him. C&C welcome.
I have added some details to my car and cut down polycount. I’m not sure if I should add some more details to the car an wheels before unwraping and texturing. Also some pics are here
Ipdated. I hve chanegen the wheels, they now look better I think. Currrently I am unwrapping the model, so soon I going to paint textures. I rendered these with Yafray.
You have a nice model going there. Textures, lighting, scene and composition are what’s going to make this for you. You can obviously model, but can you do the rest?
yeah you’ll really need to tweak your lighting and have some nice materials…cause for the moment we’re losing all the great details on the tire. I,d like to know how you went around modelling those details on the tire.
I really like the model so far, it kinds of remind me of a Viper from battlestar gallactica.
in this challenge, the f1 must be good looking, but remember that it’s the setup of the scene that makes a champion or a 2nd place
I know, this are only renders of model, to see some parts of it, not the final composition. The materials are really very basic, I will change that. I have thought a lot about the composition, and I have mede some sketches. The model is now unwrapped, so I am going to pait the textures now.