I just tried this AddOn, using Blender 2.65, with a tree I exported from the TreeSketch App and it worked to bring in the geometry. UV Mapping seems to be intact as well.
Atom, I tried other files and sometimes the UVs are working right but some others not, as the example file I uploaded. So if you tried that file you will notice instantly. Also the camera doesn’t looks like it’s exported at all. Do you know someway to bring the camera information from XSI to Blender? Thanks.
Hi, I am trying to import a FBX model (simple box) to Blender, but it dose not work well.
(I exported this FBX model from maya2012, and I am using windows7.)
How can I slove this problem?
I think that if an script is not registred in the right way by python you wont see it in the search results but my question is… why do you want to show that result if you have direct access by the import/export menu???
i THINK you misunderstand. I mean the blender artists search engine. I just typed a long winded post discussing LEAVING
BLENDER, because all pros NEED FBX. I NEED FBX . Every Pro I met in this business needs FBX.
If I had found this thread in the main search engine, I wouldnt have needed
to do that !