another glass of wine

experimenting with glass/liquid materials and lighting and shadows.

render with blender internal:

i’ve started trying yafray renders and further tweaking materials so i can learn to better use yafray for nice glass materials.
at first i was using a separate mesh for the liquid, but now it’s all one mesh with 2 materials. maybe this isn’t a good solution? i want the thing in the glass to look like it’s actually in the liquid. anyone have any tips to create this effect?

and here’s a few more images and .blends too:

blender internal render. (is there a nicer name for the “blender internal renderer”?)
i like the shadow better than the glass itself.
i’ve been reading yafray/glass threads, but i just can’t seem to get a yafray render that i am pleased with, but i have seen many yafray renders of glass that are amazing. tips? .blends?
mostly what i miss from my yafray renders are the nice colored transparent shadows.

i think my glass IOR is too high?, at least it’s higher than the wine, which i would guess isn’t relatively correct.
also, notice at the foremost edge of the glass, the leftmost tube in the wine shows that it is going into the water but the others don’t? maybe this is to do with IOR.
comments and suggestions/pointers welcome. thanks. :confused:

dorry i cant give you an answer for that little problem but i do say kick ass glass texture dead on and is that the fluid simulator your useing to create the wine? other than all that i think the base should be bigger and it looks pretty… well round. overall awsome

no fluid simulation here. my computer is old and slow. :o

the glass and wine are 1 mesh with 2 materials.
here’s some shots to show how i made it:

here’s the same mesh with the glass parts hidden, so you can see just the verts with the wine material:

the normals are flipped to point outside in this pic, i was playing around to see the results.

so basically it’s a glass modeled as described here:
and then i just added a face inside the glass for the top of the liquid and increased the subsurf crease of the newly created face with shift-E.
it seems to work ok.

edit: i discovered that my assumption about the IOR of glass and water was backwards. glass is 1.51 and water is 1.33

The wierd thing in the cup (the organic, tentacle looking thing), how did you do that? Was it hard?

Why does the shadow have a color if it’s the internal renderer?

He probably used TraShadow on the ground plane which would allow to recieve partially transparent and colored shadows. He probably cranked up the filter value for the wine too.

@Guitar87 the organic shape is simply a curve (or curves in the later renders) with a bevel object (a curve circle) on it. then i used the new-ish alt-S on curve control points to Shrink/Fatten the taper of the curve. old method was to use a taper object but now you can just use alt-S :slight_smile:
the blend files are here: if you want to check it out.
more info on using curves:

here’s my latest in this series:

thanks for the links, I appreciate it.

this last peice looks good, but the light at the bottom is a bit extreme.

wow very nice.

i dont mean to pry but could you post the material you are using for the glass and wine

rendered blender internal. too dark.

and the blend file:
weedmonkey, check the first post for links to other blend files.
they have the glass and liquid materials in them. the glass material is called “GhostWhite” (which was autonamed by blender :cool: )

very nice, your idea for organic shapes is also a good idea, well done!

well done glass. i’ve encountered a similar with the blender internal render. i’ll get back to you with my own work