Another performance question: drawing complex scene with thousands of objects

Hello, I previously asked about how to draw tens of thousands of cylinders in my scene. I now have found a way to draw lots of objects, using the following code.

circleobj =["BezierCircle"]  # done only once = "Segment base circle"

for armname in data['Arms']:            
     burgers = int(arm['burgers'])     if burgers not in materials:
        materials[burgers] = CreateBurgersMaterial(burgers)
        # note:  only a total of maybe 5 materials are created here for this scene
     material = materials[burgers]

      objects.append(ExtrudePolyLine("%s curve %d"%(armname, curvenum), locations, circleobj, material))  

for obj in objects:

def ExtrudePolyLine(name, locations, bevelobj, material):  
    curvedata ="%s line curve"%name, type='CURVE')  
    curvedata.dimensions = '3D'     
    obj ="%s line obj"%name, curvedata)  
    obj.location = (0,0,0) #object origin    
    polyline ='NURBS')  
    for num in range(len(locations)):
        toadd = (locations[num])
        print ("Adding point %s"%toadd)
        polyline.points[num].co = toadd 
    polyline.order_u = len(polyline.points)-1
    polyline.use_endpoint_u = True = bevelobj
    return obj

Now I want to optimize performance. However, some piece is eluding my timings. For a data set with n elements, here is my performance measurements:

numarms: 16161  in 60.003793 seconds, numarms/sec = 269.332974 
numcurves: 17139  in 60.003793 seconds, numcurves/sec = 285.631943 
numnodes: 108154  in 60.003793 seconds, numnodes/sec = 1802.452722 
numsegs: 91015  in 60.003793 seconds, numsegs/sec = 1516.820778 
Performance data every 5 seconds:
         n        elapsed         curves     curves/sec
  0.000000           0.00           0.00           0.00
  1.000000           1.00        2345.00        2341.92
  2.000000           6.00        6028.00        1004.17
  3.000000          11.00        8273.00         751.79
  4.000000          16.00        9869.00         616.63
  5.000000          21.01       11085.00         527.67
  6.000000          26.01       12220.00         469.78
  7.000000          31.01       13214.00         426.08
  8.000000          36.02       14096.00         391.38
  9.000000          41.02       14824.00         361.39
 10.000000          46.03       15464.00         335.98
 11.000000          51.03       16074.00         315.01
 12.000000          56.03       16641.00         297.01
 13.000000          60.00       17139.00         285.63

You can see that performance declines over time, which I think tells me that my code is somehow updating the scene per object. But in addition to the 60 seconds captured above, there is an extra lag of 32 seconds after the python code’s execution that I cannot account for. What I mean is that after I hit the enter key, it takes 92 seconds for the scene to appear by my stopwatch (note that no objects are linked yet, so this is not a matter of rendering). Thus python is missing a large piece of the timing.
So my question is two fold:
A) how can I avoid the performance decrease I’m seeing in my timings as the number of objects builds up? Is there a trick to creating curves or objects that avoids this?
B) what is the GUI doing for the extra 32 seconds after the python code thinks it’s complete?
