Another pic from Ron Loo game- airship pier *UPDATE*

Hi folks!

Remember vetrolet? (its here: This is the pier for it on giantic harbour tower and another location from our forthcoming click&point adventure Ron Loo. Critiques and comments are highly welcomed :slight_smile:

Thanx to BgDm I killed some bugs, so barrels cast shadow now and there is better bump map on wall (I hope :slight_smile: ). Also deformet roofs above catwalk.

Full size image here:

:o dewd very nice.

Very nice render. I like it.

Some small crits, and I mean small:

  1. The barrels and boxes on the catwalk don’t seem to be casting any shadows at all. Check that area.
  2. The wall texture seems to be stretched, or of a low resolution. Could be better IMO. Also, seems to be too specular and does not have any bump/NOR.

Other than those 2 points, I can’t really see anything else. Great work.


Thanx BgDM, you are right with both points.

Further I am really unhappy with metal on that root above catwalk (what a nice word :slight_smile: ) - it is too specular but without it it doesn´t look like metal and with it i doesn´t look like old metal (can´t paint it as it is fantasy) :frowning:

I will jump at two points you made and update it as soon as I got it. Thanx again :smiley:

Do you have a bump map for this? If so, use it as a spec map as well. That should help you there.

I don’t think it looks bad at all. Maybe a little less specular, but not much.


cool man but my stuffs jsut better man…!!11!!!

Do you have a bump map for this? If so, use it as a spec map as well. That should help you there.

Yes I use this too, but somehow I never get good looking metal :-? Nevertheless I deformed that plates in this update and believe it looks little bit better :slight_smile:

Thank you again.

Excellent update. The metal looks much better now.

I still think that the blocks/wall could have a higher resolution texture though. Just doesn’t seem right yet. Now if this is going to be seen from far away in the game, then I wouldn’t worry about it. But if it will be seen close up, or at the resloution you have posted this at, then it could be better.


Great work.
B.T.W. I found great resources of textures

Looks good. I can’t realy see anything wrong with it.

I hope you put you’re work on the web soon, so I can see if you’ve got any reason to be so arrogant.

I still think that the blocks/wall could have a higher resolution texture though. Just doesn’t seem right yet. Now if this is going to be seen from far away in the game, then I wouldn’t worry about it. But if it will be seen close up, or at the resloution you have posted this at, then it could be better.


That texture is 1024x768 res so it is rather not well done by myself then low res. It supposed to be plaster, not a stone (well- stone under plaster) . Not a good idea obviously, so I am working on brand new texture :smiley:

Ron Loo is going to be clasical point&click animation (like my beloved The Dig or recent Black Mirror), so this picture is in camera view as it will be in game (res800x450, resp. 800x600 ), it will be in cinematic too, but this view is main. Will update it once more :smiley:

wow! very cool

that inspired me to do a new pic

is that ok?

it will be rather different though


no, being inspired here, from other peoples work, is strickly prohibited.
especially, if your work will be rather different!

oh, and I liked to picture too. looks like something from myst… a little bit daring use of lights perhaps would be nice… let the sun hit the structures… or… steeper shadows. would add much to it.


wow! very cool

that inspired me to do a new pic

is that ok?

it will be rather different though

Wow! Ron Loo is not even nearly to be on shelves and there will be fan art. I am happy and honored :smiley: But seriously- of course it is OK :slight_smile: Who ever work without inspiration of some kind?

oh, and I liked to picture too. looks like something from myst… a little bit daring use of lights perhaps would be nice… let the sun hit the structures… or… steeper shadows. would add much to it.

Thank you. I am big adventure fan, but shame on me, I have never played any game from Myst series, it is still on my "wanna play " list though :slight_smile:

This scene should be at evening time so I can´t add energy to sun, I think. But thanx for suggestion anyway.

:o Wow !!
Awesome ! It looks pretty great !!
Love the texturing !!

Wanna see mooooooooore and mooooore !! :wink:

Keep this good job !


Wanna see mooooooooore and mooooore !!

Heh, no problem :slight_smile: Here are some more (, not so good though, about year old. But soon there will be more recent :slight_smile:

Wanna see mooooooooore and mooooore !!

Heh, no problem Here are some more (, not so good though, about year old. But soon there will be more recent

Thx !
I was pretty confused with the czech and didn’t see the english translation first… lol…
Good job !!
Keep blending up !!


Great Image Tol!

The Metal Plates do look very good, as well as the textures.
What I really like is the sun light very nice.

ADL7 wrote:

Great Image Tol!

The Metal Plates do look very good, as well as the textures.
What I really like is the sun light very nice.

Thank you. Words like these coming from blender artist of your caliber are really great inspiration for me :smiley: