Another Riddle

How I made this?

No lattices, no proportional editing, very little tweak indeed!

This comes from a question by GreyBeard on Q&A :wink:


im guessing you used dupverts and rotated the object along a path

hehe, i was right(i just found the other post)

You plucked it from that fine moustache of yours?

Iā€™ve never been able to make curly things :-?

Did you use the screw function?

I made this with it just now.

It would need some minor editing to bend it like yours is but thatā€™s easy. The wire itself is done :slight_smile:

dupFRAMES :wink:

Nope, it is born bent, it has not been bent afterwards :wink:


How about creating 3d path, twisting it around axis as it goes on (as many rounds as there are ā€œtreadsā€) then dubliframe using tube as seed?
(I donā€™t know if it is even possible ;))

edit eh, I was way too late :slight_smile:

You have created a path or a curve (what you edit/extrude so long as you have the form u want) and also a besier or nurb circle, what you have use as BevObj by the path/curveā€¦ after you are ready it is easy to convert it to mesh (the resol could you in edit mode control - and so you can have low or high poli mesh)

(Sorry for bad english I hope u understand what I meanā€¦)

how do you do the screw function? it says i need to have a curve slelected? anybody have any tuts?

BevObj is not an answer, unless you plan to go crazy at tilting (TKEY) it to get a spiral :slight_smile:

If you have looked at the guideā€¦ you have an example! Try it :wink:


DidnĀ“t know the tile tool (TKEY). I kinda screws (turns) curve points around their local axis, right?


Skeletor, I have a little trick for using the screw function,ā€¦this is how I get it to work:

front view>>add circle
duplicate a vertice, and place it slightly above the circle
extrude it so it goes through your circle and out the bottom with a bit extra on each end.
put your 3D cursor a bit to the right of your circle where you want the middle of your spring to be
still in edit mode, with all verts selected, press screw a few times.
select a vertice from the non-spring portion, and click ctrl L, then X to delete. Thatā€™s it.

Ooo, nice way, one question though, why wouldnā€™t it do without the 2 vertices that create a line through circle?

That open line or lines tell how much there is space between each rounds in ā€œscrewā€.

Modron! by far the coolest thing Iā€™ve learned today :slight_smile: Thanks man.