Hi! here its another Suzanne Wallpaper.
Blender + Photoshop
its in 800x600 because i use this resolution , if someone want it in another resolution just send me a private message, or a mail…
C&C pleasee
Hi! here its another Suzanne Wallpaper.
Blender + Photoshop
its in 800x600 because i use this resolution , if someone want it in another resolution just send me a private message, or a mail…
C&C pleasee
don’t put it in a zip file
i’m not even gonna download it
It has a professional look
But tell me, how much of it, is really blender?
[>] thankz!
All the renders, with edge, shaded, and wire are from Blender…
and the graphics effects are from Photoshop.
Very nice and stylish. Would you mind telling me how to make a mesh fade into wireframe just like you have done around the right hand side of suzanne’s face?
it’s easy, just take 2 renders, one of them in wireframe and another shaded…then open photoshop or gimp or whatever you use, just put one image up the other… erase a part of there…
sorry, im argentinian so my inglish itsn’t good…
Actually there is a tut somewhere on how to do it in blender. I think it is a combination of using material indices, and transparency, and having 2 meshes of the same proportions occupying the same space. If I run across the tut again, I’ll put it up.
Thanks vnm and modron. I was hoping there was a way to do it in blender. Again, nice wallpaper
Very nice
hey thats VERY cool, thanks for changing it from a zip to a .jpg
anyway i think its perfect so keep up the good work
wow, thankz a lot for your greetings, im proud of this wallpaper…