Answer a question with a question

What is triple rot13 encryption?

(If u r talking about the show I mentioned, i don’t think so, it is quite a simple game of 2 person on each side of a stage. 1 person from each side try to converse to each other in only questions, should anybody answer with a unrelated question or no question then tht person will be buzzed out and switched with the other person on their side. Colin is my fave actor for this cause he always stumps others in a funny way most of the time.)

Think about it - What happens if you use rot13 twice? Three times?

Am I correct in actually assuming you know what rot13 is?

Why don’t you explain it in a question?

what is in a question?

What the hell are you talking about?

about that can you give the ultimate question?

Is the ultimate question ultimately questionable?

Do you mean the question about life, universe and everything?

The answer is 42, but what is the question?

(I do not refer to that hideous movie they made, I refer to the great tv show, the books, and the radio series.)

I don’t know, I thought Deep thought the computer would know the question?

How could you think that?

Is it because it’s a GIANT FREAKING COMPUTER?

How do you dudes come up with such cool questions?

Smart guys, aren’t they?

Aren’t the guys who post in here like THE greatest intellectuals of the world?

or are they the most boring people with too much time on their hands?

Honestly, do you seriously expect an answer?

Why not ask vliegtuig instead of asking me?

But why not ask you?

That depends, does te triple rot13 encryption have to do with puppies?