antistellate polygons

Whoa! Nice!

Got some ideas.

I’m thinking, maybe Blender w/Cell Fracture or Celtic Knot Addon.

Perhaps Meshlab, they’ve got a nice Voronoi tute.

TopMod? What I don’t know about TopMod is only parallelled by what
I don’t know about Blender.

It hadn’t even occured to me, for example to use negatives in Stellate
Extrusion, but, once you mentioed it, it made perfect sense.

That’s just ONE example. Nevermind the Modified Corner Cutting.

Yeah, I’m big on Math Art.

Let me see what I can come up with.

Give me a little time.

Yep meshlab+blender 50/50 :).

:wink: Pure entry

My “poof” effect is alive and well.

The “poof” effect being a computer’s way of
saying “WHOOOOOOOOOOOOA!” just before it
gives up the ghost - program crash. One second
you HOPE something’s happening. The next it most
assuredly, most definitively is NOT.


Three Programs so far - Wings3D, TopMod, and Blender.

I seem to be biting off more than they can chew.

Since I started tinkering with 3D modeling, I’ve been
getting that a LOT.

So, I’ve got some things done, nothing that looks ANYTHING
like the challenge.

Still tinkering.

Here’s the nicest I’ve got:


Here a couple of samples.

Thanks for the video, meshlab part was quite interesting. Tbh, first sample did not look like anything above squares subsurfed, takes some effort to see the difference. Last two look nice.

You can do similar Voronoi “crackling” in Blender too, using Vertex Weight Edit modifier:

After applying the modifier, you can select similar verts by vertex group and delete what’s not needed, then proceed with Laplacian Smooth, Smooth, etc. :slight_smile:

Oh, and thanks, guys, interesting thread, this one.

@ Eppo if you are talking about my samples they are the same mesh all 3 , just different subdivision in edit mode before adding solidify, wireframe and subsurf modifier.

@ Stan yes you can but in blender you end up with a Montecarlo tessellation rather than a somewhat regular (equal spaced ?) voronoi, can’t find the right word to explain.

Yep, MeshLab certainly provides more freedom in that regard, I just thought I’d mention it for lazy people (like me) who don’t want to use another program :cool:

Anyway, here’s mine, made via two Decimate modifiers (Unsubdivide and Planar):

Cool!. Yes Decimate modifier lately acts more like a delaunay triangulation modifier.

Increased some settings, reduced others.

Fiddled with the “Remove Doubles” setting
until I actually got 3 sides for the “Select
faces by sides” to work. Just about everything
else flowed from that.


Well done ! :slight_smile: