Hi yall- So I’m re-working a Bday game gift I made for a friend into a public version that’ll be published for free on itch.io
The game will get a massive over hall, replacing my bad voice acting, improving shaders, lighting, and getting a massive optimization round.
The main concern is playing it legal and not use any copyrighted music. Not sure if BA is the right place to ask for any help from music folk.
One thing I might need is a Range Engine python genius to help optimize and bug fix ( I cant code at all)
In terms of music licensing, Aim is to upload it onto Google content ID, to keep people away from using it outside of the game and let’s plays. The entire soundtrack needs to change.
Recording of an early prototype:
I’ll have to do more research on google content ID to setup respective royalties for the artists The vibe is Autumn/Folk/Indie/Nostalgia.
This game is made in the Range Engine, its similar to UPBGE/BGE