What recent tutorials are there on creating beach/waves physics and all that for the recent blender programs released. There isn’t much out there.
There is the much older stuff but that is obviously dated now. I think something called flip fluids is now being used and an ocean modifier or something.
I mixed up geometry node with texture node or what ever, according to another video I saw.
I’m not aiming exactly for an animated ocean.
Since it is animated from 1 -20 it is too rapid.
I saw one video which is 2.79, that is interesting, but not quite what I need or was going for. Has one modifer and then another, animated at different times for a calm ocean movement.
So far, I get a little of what is going on. But from the newer version of blender, like what I’m trying to get the hang of at the moment, there is a lot of addons and so on, which isn’t what I’m looking for.
A lot of render examples on the video site, but not much on doing anything more than just seting up a bare bones ocean with some animation and detail. One video caught my eye using this way, but it contains nothing of any value.
What is likely going on at three seconds in, so some sort of cloud effect for the wave? What would be the node to use for that? I did try messing with all the options of the principled BSDF, but nothing only the change in colour or less or more specular light effect.