Any body tired Adobe Project Rome?

pretty amazing as a flash application.

F Flash. All that Adobe crap is unnecessary. I just don’t have the budget for that company anymore.

depends what can replace illustrator photoshop and indesign?

freehand is dead
x-res is dead
quarkx press is expensive as well

dreamweaver ? I use Flux3 because for smaller websites this is much better then DW.

If you work in print you hardly have any option maybe corel products.

Okay I’ll bite! Obviously if you’re in a collaborative environment that uses Adobe products that require that you share and open other peoples files you don’t really have a choice. However if you work independently or in a small studio you have OpenSource options.

Illustrator - Inkscape
Photoshop - gimp
InDesign - Scribus
Audition - Ardour/Audacity
After Effects - nothing unfortunately
DreamWeaver - Kompozer (or wordpress, joomla for CMS)
Lightroom - DigiKam

etc… etc…

Obviously these won’t match commercial software feature for feature but for freelancers and small studios they do the trick, it’s just a matter of starting to use them. I have access to most of these Adobe apps at my work but I choose to use the alternatives. I love the fact that I can use these anywhere I go, legally.


you noticed that I wrote PRINT?

Freelancer or small studio it really depends on the tool you need
and there are many besides work speed which the Gimp Ink combo
cannot offer at all - sadly.

Sad how Adobe was able to monopolize this area. I remember the days
when there were many competitors.

However in the area of CMM the Adobe product line also offers one
consistent experience - quite important as well.

Since I found Flux3 I never even touch DW since this small mini editor
is compact and works damn fast.

Rome is dead

  						November 30, 2010
  						Project ROME by Adobe was intended to explore the opportunity  and usability of creative tools as software-as-a-service.  After  weighing this initiative against other projects in development, we have  made the difficult decision to stop development on Project ROME.
  						The trial of Project ROME for Education has concluded.   However, the commercial version of Project ROME will remain free to the  public via Adobe Labs.  No additional Project ROME software updates are  planned at this time.  Please visit our user forum for more information.

well I use photoshop:rolleyes: I gave gimp a ago and it has the worst workflow I’ve ever used, just about everything about gimp is counter intuitive.
for audio I use FL studio I’ve never used anything else because frankly nothing offers everthing that FL gives along with the best workflow ever!!!
blender for 3d obviously lol
flash/toonboom for some animation(just a little hobby though)
dreamweaver for basic web design
and vegas pro 10 for video

Adobe has really annoyed me with their interface changes. For example, they just threw the guideline out of the window. When it comes to native applications, they fail. I know this could be for samenest of interface over mac and windows, but who honestly uses both? Also who can’t manage the difference?

One example is this:
In Flash CS4, the actionscript editor is horrible. When double-clicking on the title bar, it just does weird stuff. In any sane environment, this maximises the window. Really, the actionscript editor is the worst part about it. Since i would only use AS2, i prefer flash 8, which was at least somewhat sane.


I actually do and most people I know since we work in both worlds.

Adobe bought Macromedia and besides Freehand all their products had
terrible interfaces.

I cannot understand why they deleted GoLive. It was just a good Designer orientated software.
Dreamweaver can do a lot for sure - but intuitive and fast plus costs?

Flux3 is below 100 dollars and truly amazing.

I am not proposing to use it I just stumbled upon it and was quite amazed about it since it is a flash application.
Besides all the wish wash hack talk about flash as a software tool for applications it is quite amazing into what
it matured in those years.


true to use Gimp and high res images and expect fast scolling :wink:
I see in it a good paint/sketch tool and a good file converter but thats it.

I wasn’t aware that Dreamweaver was considered “PRINT” software? I was just merely making it obvious that there are choices out there, actually more than there have ever been. In your field there may well be show stoppers that keep you from using Inkscape or GIMP but for many they are more than capable. I’m interested in knowing, do you have any specific reasons that Inkscape for example can’t do the job?

It’s always going to be easier to use the defacto software with all the bells, whistles and presets but if you make a concerted effort you’ll find these other options can do what you need them to do. This is not directed at you personally but I often find that people will make the [PLACE COMMERCIAL APP NAME HERE] argument versus the Open Source solution, and 9 times out of 10 they’re not even proficient in said app.

Just use a Blender user as an example… typically when compared to a C4D user they have a much deeper understanding of 3D but the C4D user would argue that Blender isn’t up to the task. Get what I’m saying?

I totally get what you are saying,
however there are many reason for why Blender is not used in environments where C4D Maya etc are being used.

As I said for a long time Inkscape had much better path tools then AI till they caught up.

Reasons are many. AI has finally a multiple art board feature similar to multiple page (comes from Freehand).
Color Management among all Adobe Products for Print is consistent and powerful.
Interface in Gimp and work speed is terrible.
Depth and strength of typography.
In a day in day out publishing and graphic design job they are essencial.

Only because Adobe is a leader doesn’t mean I think it is the best software.
I hate Dreamweaver. Illustrator is a joke because Freehand was able to satisfy both areas Illustration and small page number Layouting.
InDesign is not bad it is pretty good.
Photoshop while it has some top notch retouch tool which mainly are awesome because of the code behind it
I feel the software gets fatter and slower.
Pixelmator for OSX is a darn snappy tool starts fast works fast but again lacks quite some tools which then make Photoshop again a winner…

I totally get that Inkscape and Gimp can produce work.
But they are not a competition to Illustrator and Photoshop when certain aspects are required.
It would be the same as saying because Blender can do polygon modeling and render replace Maya and become Pixars new platform.
Not gonna happen.

However the current job work on is using Blender 2.4 (Yuk) and for what they need it fits their needs - a good match.

Thanks fro share this big hugs…

fair enough… I do however believe that the majority of users that complain about the shortcomings of Gimp/Inkscape don’t even use these in professional environments, it’s just a matter of having the shiny Adobe software which they don’t even own a license for anyway.

I’m with you on the anti Adobe thing… people have to realize that they need to support the smaller guy before they (Adobe) gobble up everything and there is no longer a choice at all.

BTW thanks for giving specifics.

Hi Comeinandburn

well you can be right about people complaining about software a is not like b.
one can see this on a daily basis when blender is compared to other platforms.

Adobe has their advantages in some areas.
Consistent color management is truly a gem.
Adobe also pushed the PDF format thus soft proofing and contract proofing is only possible
thanks to Adobe. Perfect format exchange among all Adobe products etc.

While I grew up Freehand and still think it is better their color management was different then
Adobe and in CMM you do not want to have inconsistencies.
XPress itself is also not really cheap.

But sadly well competition is down to:
Adobe vs Coral and from last one you do not really hear anything.
I guess Adobe just won the match here.