Any chance for a dedicated Scatter modifier for Blender?

I think this is something that needs to be added. The hair particle system in my opinion is rigid and has limited randomization options.
For example, corona renderer has a very nice scatterer that allows a lot of randomization in all axes as well as using texture maps or vertex paint for scattering assets.


Yes. We do need more replication and scattering options.

I surely would love to have more control for scattering, but you can use both vertex paint and textures to control blender particle system.

I know but there needs to be more options for rotation, location and scale in all three axes and randomization. Corona Scatter has these options and makes scattering assets look more natural and realistic. It would be cool if this is added as a modifier. Using Hair right now is very limited.

agreed. Iā€™d also love to have a more unified system between weight paint and vertex paint. At the moment the first can be used to drive modifiers or particle system, while the second for shaders. It would be good to be able to use the weight paint as a mask in shaders.