It does.
anyways, from your comments you don’t seem to very bright.
accept and get used to it rather than trying get in the way of people who are.
So you think…that because you know how to solve a toy that works much like a puzzle meant for young kids that are 5-10 years old. You are smarter than the people who can’t?
Everyone who reads your comment above now got a clear picture in the head of what type of person you are. A sign of being intelligent is that you think through what you say or in this case post.
From your post I can make out a few things about you:
-New age kid
These attributes aren’t exactly posetive. I assume you are spoiled since you seems to think you are smarter than others because you got a toy they don’t have. We all know the kids in pre school that acted like this.
Since you play with cubes all day and try to beat your record. I assume you are either fat or skinny…for some reason I got a feeling you are the skinny type with glasses. But there is no way to be sure.
When I say new age kid…I mean a kid that is very H&M. Fashion is very important for you. You got really tight jeans with white shoes. (Not sport shoes). Glasses is 50/50, probably you run around with a scarf even if it’s not cold outside. Like all the other new age kids…
Arrogant and got high grades…think you are of better class than other people. A bit feminime maybe…ok how close was I?
I will give you one advice, one little comment can reveal so much about one self. Think before you post…you are not as smart as you think you are. And you solving a cube meant for 5 year old kids in less than 40 sec just sais you are a complete geek with too much time on your hands.
Anyway to not go too much off topic. Why don’t anyone here create a rubic cubes game in blender. That would be a good challenge and would improve your understanding of the toy.
My little brother is 5 and he knows how to read in lithuanian and in Russian. (and a tiny bit of english)
He can also type with the computer keyboard.
But that kid can’t draw at all and he is hyperactive…
That Out of topic…
I had a rubics cube… I could solve one wall and six peaces of other walls each (No algorythms)… Couldn’t go any further…
@vali there is no redeeming quality to you. you are without doubt one of the most unpleasant trolls I have ever encountered. Conducting yourself like you do must not endear you to anyone I doubt the not to many people have a need for you company because it some point or another I imagine you have insulted or belittled them in some manner.
@vali there is no redeeming quality to you. you are without doubt one of the most unpleasant trolls I have ever encountered. Conducting yourself like you do must not endear you to anyone I doubt the not to many people have a need for you company because it some point or another I imagine you have insulted or belittled them in some manner.
Ummm…unpleasant troll? Please…the title of troll is just given to people on the internet that are in a minority. In this topic I’m very lonely on my view. But just like everyone I have the right to speak my mind on the topic.
I don’t care if you like my view or not, I don’t like your view either…playing with braindead toys at your age I find distasteful. I’m not calling you or any other of the people who got a different view than myself a troll. The only reason I confront you with my view of this toy is so that we can engage with eachother in a debate and hopefully learn something new about this toy or your way of living.
“the title of troll is just given to people on the internet that are in a minority.”
No, the title of “troll” is given to people who derail threads or cause pointless arguments in them. This topic has a purpose: so the OP can connect with like-minded people who share a hobby, not to argue or defend their actions.
As a kid growing up I had the off-brand rubix cube, you had to be Hulk Hogan to solve the thing in a minute. I was always amazed at the speed and ease that the fast guys would manipulate it.
I have this which I can’t even solve. D’oh!
Edit: man the memories, I also had a spherical one as a kid, plus there were mini ones on keychains, florescent color ones, plus some star shaped one if I remember correctly. I’m showing my age here…
I resolved a 3x3 in ~45 seconds one time using Friedrich (I have probably misspelled this . . .) method and two-look OLL and PLL. But, the somewhat low time was largely due to what is referred to as a PLL-skip.
So you think…that because you know how to solve a toy that works much like a puzzle meant for young kids that are 5-10 years old. You are smarter than the people who can’t?
i never said that. if you read, i have NEVER been able too solve.
pretty much all what you said about me is iincorrect. sorry “postreader”, try again.
I assume you are spoiled since you seems to think you are smarter than others because you got a toy they don’t have.
lol how much do rubiks cube cost in sweden? that comment tells that you’ve never had a cube so you shouldn’t be commenting here in the first place.
Since you play with cubes all day and try to beat your record. I assume you are either fat or skinny…for some reason I got a feeling you are the skinny type with glasses. But there is no way to be sure.
again as i said, i gave up solving long ago. even those who do aren’t no lifers.
admit it - you don’t like solving the cube because you CAN’T. it isn’t about unwillingness but INCAPABILITY.
When I say new age kid…I mean a kid that is very H&M. Fashion is very important for you. You got really tight jeans with white shoes. (Not sport shoes). Glasses is 50/50, probably you run around with a scarf even if it’s not cold outside. Like all the other new age kids…
Arrogant and got high grades…think you are of better class than other people. A bit feminime maybe…ok how close was I?
i’m not going to go on a personal attack against you because i have a life, and i can’t write 1000 letter posts telling strangers on the internet what i think about them.
and yeah, i get high grades.
I will give you one advice, one little comment can reveal so much about one self. Think before you post…you are not as smart as you think you are.
I would have taken your advice, but i think you just got yourself pwned by whatever you wrote before. read it again.
And you solving a cube meant for 5 year old kids in less than 40 sec just sais you are a complete geek with too much time on your hands.
try solving it and then tell me if it is meant for five year olds.
and yes, how can i be “new age kid that is very H&M” and “a complete geek with too much time on your hands” at the same time.
I think I managed to solve such a 3x3 cube, like, trice, lol
I don’t personally own one but some around me do. So yeah, those three times of sheer lucky random walk-like rotations are not worth a mention, time-wise and I actually have no idea how long it took me^^
Devilish things, those cubes Not too long ago, I saw a series of how to solve it tuts on YouTube. Interesting algorithms
that is seriously cool wow, 1400 trillion years… :eek: that’s over 100K times as old as the universe!
another astounding fact = it would have taken 35 years for a normal computer to figure out all 1400trillion (that should give us all an idea of what a standard computer is capable of, lol), and it took Google’s comps only a few weeks… a few = an average of 4, right?
if I use that figure, that means… Google’s comps calculated it in 1/455 the time a standard pc would’ve taken…wow
My best was 2m 16s… and now I can’t even remember how anymore. Both of mine still sit on my desk though (one was on my work desk). Why would anyone want to solve it? 1.) Because they can, 2.) Because it exercises the minds problem solving functions.