any good c++ programmers?

I want to start my own graphics engine thing and make it in C++, but so far I haven’t been able to put a pixel on the screen… I can do the programming of the game, it’s just putting a damn pixel on the screen! What does it take?

use some graphics through c and c++ book.i have one.never touched it though. :wink:

Chek out that address. It’s the main site of the group wich was making Ultima 1 remake, but all in all, they have some tutorial on c++ engine coding.

Hope this helps.

Take a look at DirectX and OpenGL. They have similar functionality when graphics is concerned, but they have different styles. I prefer OpenGL.

Oh, as an afterthought, does anyone here know pascal and is it better than C++ for graphics?

I know it and C++ is much better. No question.

pascal is just an early predecessor of c++, in a way.

If I understand my CSCI history properly, Pascal was developed by academia as a teaching language, to teach the fundamentals of structured programming. This doesn’t mean it’s no good to use, I’ve known several outstanding programs programmed with Borland Delphi (which I believe uses an OOP Pascal, Pascal+?). The main difference (I think) is that Pascal is a bit more wordy, while C++ is more functional… I think you can do the same thing in both, but C++ would require less typing to do the same thing. Of course, I’ve never used Pascal, so I’m just basing these assumptions on what I’ve heard.


I’ve used pascal (the Delphi version with classes, Object Pascal), and it is more wordy. You use words like “begin” and “end;” instead of brackets and other operators.

Yeah that’s right, but I don’t think that delphi isn’t that powerful as c++…actually the visual c++ compiler and the delphi compiler are both based on the same compiler-“back end”.

While exe files compiled with delphi are a little larger than the c++ ones, the delphi compilation time is much lower…and the runtime speed is nearly the same (it depends MUCH more on your code than on the compiler)

Object Pascal uses a lot of concepts from c++, but they are transfered in a clearer and easier way (e.g. the “as” operator…)

In my opinion delphi acts on a more abstract level…but this makes it easier to concentrate on the actual task so that you don’t have to think so much about how to solve a certain problem.
C++ is such an extensive language that probably no programmer will be able to affirm that he knows everything of C++ without lying.

There a lot of other reasons for Delphi and C++, but it’s probably just a question of liking…

So that you don’t get a wrong opinion about Delphi…it’s also a very powerful language! :wink:

Delphi’s really not for games. It’s mainly a database application development tool. It also has MANY different client/server protocals built in.

You really can’t compare Delphi and C++. I still prefer the language of C++ to Object Pascal any day.

I just wanted to show that Delphi is also a powerful language like C++ (because I’ve made the experience that C++ programmers tend to look down on programmers using other languages :frowning: …of course there are also a lot of nice C++ programmers… :wink: )

Someone who prefers Delphi at the moment :wink:

I just wanted to show that Delphi is also a powerful language like C++ (because I’ve made the experience that C++ programmers tend to look down on programmers using other languages :frowning: …of course there are also a lot of nice C++ programmers… :wink: )

Someone who prefers Delphi at the moment ;)[/quote]

I like Delphi when I’m making things for people who prefer a GUI. It’s much faster, and the EXE is small and fast.

Those C++ programmers who look down on everyone else are just 1337 h4xx0rz. :wink:
Though I must admit. I HATE JAVA.

lol You’re not the only one… :wink:

I don’t mind Java. It just comes naturally to me.

and java has a 3d thing too
(though they say it is a lot like vrml, and it IS slow on most systems)

but onto the topic again, a useful 3d engine would be a lot of work, and would probably have to be limited to a genere to aide completion.
(I would never finish one because I would make it too extendable without a specific genere)