Any Information on how to use Dongle for Vray in Blender for Mac

The directions have not been very clear on how to set up Vray with Blender.
I’ve got VrayBlender and Vray installed. I think the only thing missing is the dongle thing.
Anyone that can shed light on how to do that would be appreciated.

So far, installed WIBU-KEY (drivers for dongle) and Vray Licensing server program.
But not sure what to do after that. Vray for Maya says to execute the server in the Terminal, but
that gets me no where.

Thanks for any help

It could an issue with the directory structure.

Have you watched this? :-

If everything is installed and running, check Blender’s console window for error messages.

Yes, I saw that, but it is 2 yrs old and no longer up to date.

I’m afraid Vray for Blender is not ready for prime-time and I’m going
to get a refund. This is bs. Instructions are either missing or half-baked and the exporter is
buggy. (for example hit ‘update exporter’ and it now breaks your link to Vray). A fix was supposedly make on 2/3 but as of 3/1 it is still not working.

Tried this…?
I would suggest posting your questions concerning vray and vray/blender in the Chaosgroup forums instead of posting them here. Andrey Izrantsev (aka bdancer), the creator of vray/blender, is online over there almost 24/7 (or so it seems) and always ready to help users out.

I post here because this concerns making Vray work with Blender.
I’ve posted on Chaosgroup forums, but maybe Andrey is off for the weekend or something because he has not replied for two days.

I disagree. It runs just fine here.

What error message is showing?

No error message at all. Just hit ‘render’ and nothing happens.
Nothing in the console either.
Using the link provided above for installation instructions says:
"Only V-Ray version i successfully have got working is: “vray_adv_20004_maya2010_leopard_x86”
So, I’m think maybe this is the problem.
I was given vraystd_adv_22501_snow_leopard_x86_gcc-4.2

I guess the first thing is to get some feedback on what is working or not.

Make sure vrlservice is running.
Try to access the licence server, go to in a browser.
Try browsing to the V-Ray executable from Blender. On the Exporter tab, uncheck ‘Detect V-Ray’ and write in an absolute file path.

Remember you can sign in to the Chaos Group website and download whatever versions you want to try, and you can update the WibuKey software here:-