Any news regarding the new Blender User Guide ?
When will it be available?
It’s nearing the end of the writing/edit phase, which will be complete by the end of this month. The designer is already working on the parts that are done, and the hope is that the whole thing can be on press during the first half of March. After that… a couple of weeks for binding, delivery, logistics, etc. That’s what we’re hoping!
I’m just the editor, though, so the “after manuscript” stuff isn’t so much in my hands.
Do you mean a Blender User Guide book (made with real paper) updated with Blender 2.4x content?
Wow! That would be really nice.
I (wrongly) thought that there’ll be no more guide book and that the wiki was the only official reference.
Nice. With the rate of Blenders development I can understand that each book is getting thicker and thicker! Thus takes time to do right etc! Really looking forward to the release of this edition big style!
Just so y’all know… it is NOT a full reference guide like the 2.3 guide. It’s a set of tutorials and toolset discussions for each area of Blender, meant to explain and demonstrate the foundational skills.
Before you go thinking that it’s useless to intermediate or advanced users, I have to say that I learned a ton of stuff from editing the parts I didn’t write personally, and I have a modest amount of skills to begin with. All the technical editors (experienced users) have likewise told me that they picked up some new tricks as they worked through it too.
Simply amazing! Can you tell us how many pages it will be (approximatly, of course). I’d like to know a table of contents too, if this is not asking too much.
That is good news, and thanks for your hard work Harkyman and the rest of the contributers.
I was wondering though, with Ton redesigning the UI for the next release, would that make some of the content invalid by the time Ton is done with that overhaul? Just wondering.
But great news anyway, looking forward to the release.