Hi everyone,
are there faster ways of creating things such as spider webs in a scene or model apart from just using alpha maps or png images from google. I believe it would be awesome if we had stuffs like that just like modo cinema4d and maya addon these are the links to check out.[video]https://player.vimeo.com/video/9934263?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0[/video]
Maybe with knife tool, subdivide modifier and wireframe modifier.
It might work that way too @Arman. I think it can be done by using empties as holding points for the web (just like the vimeo link i sent) and maybe using curves/nurbs as the web lines too?
Animation Nodes or Sverchok might be your best bet. They’re both addons, and you can find them on this forum.
Theres easy ways to get the spider web effect
have a quick look at this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjZio6YTSPs
There is an add on in blender. Add Curve: Extra Objects. If you enable it you can create spirals or helixes. Than may be select some random points and scale or move them, and adding some axis lines may give you some good results. Also you can extrude vertices by hand,line by line, but it will take a lot of time
(Extruding vertices may be easily automated with a simple script. Reminds me turtle graphics lol .For some insight http://www.101computing.net/turtle-spiral/)
Here Andy made a crappy one just for you
I have never gotten too far with Sverchok, but here is a tutorial in Houdini. Might be useful as a starting point.
Thanks erickBlender, short and on point. I need to take classes on Python so as to learn how to create addons for stuffs like this instead of modeling, remodeling or trying to link/append it to a scene if I need them in a scene again. Because if it were to be an addon I’d have loved it to have different forms, and also rigged for simple movements or to be affected by wind or external force (extreme close shot scenes)
I made little video of my technique. I don’t think it as best way to do it, but one easy to understand if you don’'t have much time for research.
I like this. would try it out. I think i might add a cloth sim modifier to see how it’s react to force field (Wind)
Unfortunately for me i dont know how to use Houdini yet. Thanks
Thanks for this. You guys have really helped me out.
After checking the site out, I sincerely wished i knew how to code. Thanks
there are many ways to make in sverchok
https://youtu.be/SSVnVGsXh38?list=PLIKEZ9RntI98CN4L7iqeRd3V-Fwz7Sr8- - cases
https://youtu.be/u35Qm37W6YU?list=PLIKEZ9RntI98CN4L7iqeRd3V-Fwz7Sr8- - other cases
- playlist sverchok
http://nikitron.cc.ua/sverchok_ru.html - here are many things also
you have this example of web on window, will be nice to reproduce in sverchok also )) cool stuff
Thanks a lot for this. You all are awesome
This ended up being more of a support thread than anything else. Moved from “General Forums > Blender and CG Discussions” to “Support > Modeling”