Any recommendation for multi camera projection like the one in MARI?

Hi. been a while. I have a project that might require multi camera projection. I am going to take shots of my city and then reconstruct them in blender and render it hopefully in cycles… There must be some cheaper alternative than MARI, I am hoping someone can point me to a plugin of blender or some already built in function blender… granted, I know you can do single camera projection, just like in many packages like 3ds max, but a multi camera… using mask to blend different angle of images together, not sure how, tutorial would be great… a how big can by UV/udim size be? 4k, 8k, 32k?? I probably wouldn’t need above 8k, but good to know… anyway, thanks for your time!! happy blender!!

Take a look at the UV Projection Modifier…

It will give you up to TEN projectors for each instance of the modifier ( add to different groups of objects for example)…

thanks!! will see if this is what I need!!