I’m planning to try and save up for a first Custom-Built PC and would love to build it really really good for Blending in mind. The priority for this PC would be …
2)General computer graphics (Like GIMP)
3)Gaming (Half-Life 2, Portal, Crysis, The Elder Scroll: Oblivion, and similar "High graphic "games)
I already have a few parts picked out but they don’t really impact the power of the PC.
I had seen this case at the local gaming PC store (CompuxParts) and that very case have inspired me to really get into this since I need a strong desktop anyway.
Cooler Master Cosmos 1000. This case is the exact one I saw at the CompuxParts and I’ve really like the extremely large size and weight of it and especially the brushed steel texture on the panels. (Thought I’m a bit curious about this version since the face cover is matching color, but I’m not sure why it is cheaper than the other color option, Cooler Master SC-1000-SSW1-GP)
I do plan to get a Wacom Tablet with this PC and I’m seriously eyeing the Intuos3 12x19. I know that it is very expensive (~$750) but the large size seems like it would really helps with the details of my graphics work and I could always use the tablet with other computers so it has a potential longer use than the PC probably would.
Other than these parts, I only have a few choices that i want to keep,
I simply want to go the max I can with RAM and CPU.
the same goes for graphic card. Now here is the thing, would there be a issue with Blender3D if I use SLI or Corssfire? I would love to be able to use these feature to boost my gaming capability.
I will NOT get wifi for this PC. For a desktop, I prefer to connect with a cable to reduce latency and risks of hacks. I would also like to avoid getting a motherboard with integrated graphics since I will defidently get a graphic card or 2 for this.
Since I’m deaf, I do not really care that much for sound quality since low quality sound about the same as high quality to me most of the time. (though I don’t want a really crappy audio set-up since my family is hearing and may want to listen to musics and videos and whatnot.
Now one last thing I’m stuck on, which should I choose? a flat screen HD screen or a HD projector? I’m defidently a fan of projector but are not sure if there would be any more problems with it compared to simply having a large HD screen?
Right now I’m absolutely broke but I have several Jobs lined up with very good potential of being hired soon with good salary so I’m really curious to see if there is anything I have to watch out for when building my PC so I could keep maximun compatibility and speed with Blender3D.
If you knows of any parts that you think I should check out for this PC, please let me know in this thread I still need to research some more on different parts and to catch up on info on some of the newer tech and whatnot like the SATA Hard Drive and DDR3 and more.
I gotta go now to pick up some pizza. Hopefully somebody here have experience with this kind of thing and could tell me exactly what I needs to hear and know about