Any time when i try to add texture node in compositor - Blender crashes

Any time when i try to add texture node in compositor - Blender crashes. You have same issue?

If it’s crashing then you’re likely using a release candidate (beta test build) or not an official build. There are always bugs in the official builds but not with basic functionality like you’re describing. Generally the guys who test the release candidates find the major bugs and blender foundation gets them worked out during the release’s b-con cycle. Once they are satisfied, an official release is issued. The official release gets refined through the bug tracker via the general blender population and an official bug fix version is released with an alpha-numerical designation like 2.78a.
Check your version and then check the bug tracker here:
If the bug has already been reported then it will be fixed. If it hasn’t been fixed then it will be fixed thanks to your input. Please be sure that you are on either the latest stable release which is 2.78a or on the latest official release candidate. Developers are mostly volunteers and there is a lot to look through in the bug tracker. Redundant bug reports just slow the whole process down so courtesy dictates that you expend some time to make sure that you are not making a redundant bug report. Please include a .blend file where the actual problem can be wittnessed by the development team and instructions on how to cause the crash. With this kind of information the development team can easily track down the source of the problem via crash dump.
If you are using a build that was compiled by someone other than blender foundation (many of the builds found on then it is what it is and this should not be reported to the bug tracker. That’s just a good way to piss folks off.

It’s a bug and it is fixed.

if you are not going to bother to inform us as to WHAT!!! version you are using
and WHAT operating system you are using and did not feel the need to add WHAT THE HARDWARE IS!!!

then what do you expect!!!

It’s known bug: