I was wondering if anyone has useful tips on how to handle multiple character animations because most of the times I struggle to add multiple animations in the same layer without increasing performance issues or frame drops which at times it causes the animation to not being played.
Also is there any announced plans for the animation Bricks in the BGE for future updates ?
BluePrintRandom- That’s true but not everyone is capable of using phython unfortunately,but i guess I have no other choice but to learn how to script but will still trying to find ways to effeciently have multiple animations in one layer using only logic bricks
By the way do you know any good tutorial that I can start learning the basics of python?
I will make a tutorial today,
(I just made a logic elevator tutorial)(uploading now)
import bge
sens=cont.sensors['Name of sensor']
actu=cont.actuators['name of actuator']
if sens.positive: