Any tips on how to handle multiple character animation logic bricks in BGE?

I was wondering if anyone has useful tips on how to handle multiple character animations because most of the times I struggle to add multiple animations in the same layer without increasing performance issues or frame drops which at times it causes the animation to not being played.

Also is there any announced plans for the animation Bricks in the BGE for future updates ?

Activate one action at the same time only and you do not have these problems.

animation layers can be a pain, but blending animations is key to doing alot of high level stuff,

(like mixing crouch into strafe, turn, walk etc)

other wise you can just animate your own mixed version… but it’s neat to get it working mixing animations,

my biggest issue, is deactivating a action does not always work…

Monster- That’s a nice idea but is that something achievable by using only logic bricks?

BluePrintRandom -Yeah I have the same problem all the time when working on a layar with which as at least 3 animations

It would be nice having a function(or logic brick) that enables or disables the

python game-logic simple, should work in theory,

BluePrintRandom- That’s true but not everyone is capable of using phython unfortunately,but i guess I have no other choice but to learn how to script but will still trying to find ways to effeciently have multiple animations in one layer using only logic bricks :slight_smile:

By the way do you know any good tutorial that I can start learning the basics of python?

do text editor-templets-gamelogic simple

gameLogicSimple, is your friend,

open it and look at it for a minute,

name a senor, hook it up, name a actuator,

I will make a tutorial today,
(I just made a logic elevator tutorial)(uploading now)

import bge



sens=cont.sensors['Name of sensor']
actu=cont.actuators['name of actuator']

if sens.positive:

here is a nice example file

W-S move block up and down using a property set with logic, and applied with python.


PyBAsic.blend (441 KB)

BluePrintRandom -Thanks for the blend.file;I will surely check out the video when its uploaded :slight_smile:

The logic based elevator is in resources, my daughter has the computer at the moment,

Check out the second script,
There are some optimizations that
I can add.

Yes it is. The important point is to ensure the previous action actuator receives a deactivation signal while the new one gets activated.

I would recommend to use states to do that, but since 2.62 the action actuators got some annoying bugs.