Trying to make an iron man pumpkin, plan to using boolean to cut a iron man mask in the pumpkin, but it seems the boolean difference just does not work properly. Any tips on it?
As far I can tell you should have pumpkin with some thickness (applied solidify modifier) and also extruded iron man. That way it should work properly.
I can’t tell from the picture, is the pumpkin a manifold mesh with no interior? Have you used the solidify modifier before the Boolean modifier?
Yes, i have applied a solidify modifier to it. and i keep it very thin.
yeah, that’s what i did exactly. but the boolean just worked weird, in 2.79 i can change the boolean method(Carve or BMesh) to make it work, but in 2.8 there is nothing i can do…
Why very thin? Make it real world thick 2-4cm? I don’t know how thick is pumpkin skin
Can you upload your file somewhere so we can test it?
since making it too thick will mess up the pumpkin when i use boolean on it, so i make it thin and alter it after the iron man mask cut on it. b27-83-start-pumpkin-001.blend (785.8 KB)
Two things to fix:
- Clean this topology on pumpkin - this will prevent Solidify issues:
- Remove two faces on top of middle iron man part and Recalculate Normals Outside:
And it’s working just fine:
Ummm, does this work in object mode? mine behave crazy in object mode.
Yes, it will work in object mode. But you need to make those changes in Edit Mode. Also Merge vertices by distance (old Double Vertices).
Generally your meshes are not manifold and these are problem for boolean operations.
Yeah, the thing is i did fix those problem, but some part can do Boolean some part not. Carefully moving back and forth can make most of it work, but not All, which is not usable…
Do you mind attach your version? I wanna check what’s the difference…
Check it here:
If not all parts are cutting properly make iron man mesh bigger (longer).
Thanks for doing this for me.
Appreciate it.
I will try do it.