Any Vim-acrobats here?


So many years, and I did not even learn Vim. Now decided, things will change, I need to learn use the Vim text editor.

I’m asking you, to encourage me further: Could you show me some Vim-acrobatics, how you edit some code, make some tricks. Film it and post to YouTube, Vimeo, or whatever… Not to need be a tutorial of any kind, just some jumping around the text, finding code structure, completion, error correction, or just new ways of looking your code.



Never used vim, but here’s a good article I read about Emacs :slight_smile:

yay stevey :slight_smile:

There is no one specific trick that shows the undeniable power of vim -> it’s a collection of seemingly trivial shortcuts which you use consistently to make the magic happen.

I’ve been using vim for a little over a year now, and it takes about that long to truly reap the benefits.

… My favorite function, so far, is the quick “Till” which allows me to delete up to a specific marker from the current position: It’s really handy when replacing things in perens, because I can just delete the things inside with a few keystrokes - namely “dt)”.

PS: Down with emacs! :evilgrin:

It’s three months now, how did it end: Well, I landed to the side of Emacs.

The reason. Emacs is not a text editor. Emacs is a Lisp interpreter. Almost exactly what I needed. Of course Python would be nice, but the only practical choises were Vim and Emacs. It was the more mature nature of Emacs Lisp reasoning the decision. It is a whole operating system, with a comprehensive and profound documentation.

It’s a lot of things. :wink:

Good to hear.

Vim has a Python interface. If you want to elaborate on usage, perhaps we can wean you back from the dark side?