Any way to avoid blend-in on NLA Strip affect certain properties?

Hi! I don’t want the influence of the child of constraints to be affected by the blend-in of the NLA Strip.

Is there any way of doing this? Thanks

Hi, you need to edit the strip, there are probably keyframes created for the child of constraint influence that need deleting.
Or create a new keyframes for the influence to in the NLA your requirement.

Thanks, but I need to keep the keyframe there. There’s a single keyframe for the influence at a value of 1.0.

It needs to stay at 1.0 independent of the Blend-In

select the child of and create influence key frames.
Look here:

Sadly this is in an armature, so the Influence keys are on the same action/strip that has the blend-in.

So I cannot separate them, and creating an extra strip just for the influence is not really an option.

Without seen the file i will be only guessing.

Here’s a demo file, the influence of the constraint is keyframe at 1.0 on frame 1 and 18.

It should stay at 1.0 on that range (1-18), however the Blend In is affectin the influence value.

StripBlendInDemo.blend (108.4 KB)


I have inserted a key frame of on frame 1 influence of 1.000 on the timeline: