Any way to get WHITE fur-look with cycles?


Trying to do a swan. I tried to do white fur for it, but it looks like it is impossible to do, GPU memory 8GB is not enought and look is not good - it is not steady there is variation too much. Then I decided to do only high resolution image of fur to with hair particles (simple plane) and put it to image shader of the swan object. And after that planning to add some fur, much less than with hair only (without image shader).

BUT this rendered fur image is not that what i looking for. It is not even white, it is more grey. Grass with this same procedure is looking good, mut white color is not.

Any tip? Only way to take a photo from lamb fur?

I look for this:

Trying to do image like this for image shader (this is SOFT!):

But getting this :weary::

What shader do you use? Try Principled Har BSDF if you do not use it already

It looks like you have really dark shadows. A white hair material would need to be semi-transparent or translucent for realism.

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Thanks for tips. I tried many different settings, but not get good result:

This was best, but not close what i looking for.

I took photo from a sheep toy and now I am using it, because I have no skill to do better with Blender.

Well, if you cut out the swan on the upper image you will find less white than in your first render.
Try your particles with a swan like form before a normal background - you might be surprised.

I think part of the problem is that your hair is too straight and even, making it look more like rigid needles than fluffy fur.

Here is an image where I use a bit of brownian motion, some random path length, as well as children with roughness (so various options that make hair wavy and random). I also increased the viewport steps and rendered steps for more detailed wavyness.

The shader is a simple principled bsdf (not principled hair) with the alpha value lowered.

Here is the file. Every tab that is open in the particle settings is one where I changed something.
white_hair.blend (906.3 KB)


Hey, I’ve been working on this on and off since yesterday, might help.

Pay special attention to the clump, shape, and hair, shape.

I think this is up at wetransfer for a week.

I think fur is looking the best with hdri texture, simple setup, hair 1000, children interpolated, clump parameter 0.1, 2 materials: one for skin, second for fur

Sorry, my blend file it to big, I can’t attach it.

Thank You very much for that! :clap:t4:I used my own photo of toy lamb and

Materialize-software to do image maps.

This is now texture and material for this fur of Yours. It looks now much better!

Still test different ways, now reading new posts…

Thanks so much! :handshake:t4: I have to try with this also. I will do a baby swan too, and etn249 - fur would work specially for that. This Yours looks good too, have to try with this adult swan!

And this! So thankfull for Your all!

God bless to You all, greetings from Finland! :finland: :swan: