Firstly I planed this picure as christmas card for contest “interior”- but (as always) i failed to finishe the picture in time. I know that there are some proportional faults, but i´m to lazy to correct them now. Render - blender internal (AO).
Any comment and crits are welcome.
Haha thats awsome - i love these “inside the mouse hole” pictures. You might want to up the specular on that apple though.
lovely… reminds me about a x-mas story, wich I can’nt remember the name of…
nice picture, very good textures
really good textures and nice lightning
I think it looks great.
Is that a picture of Gadget from Chip and Dale’s Rescue Rangers hanging on the wall?
This is great! love the detail, although outside the hole it looks a little bland. But its great all around.
Good detailing. A nice interior pic from an unusual perspective… And the sketch on the wall does look like Gadget.
Tthanks again for responses.
Trevor,Eclipse : you are right - it is Gadgets picture .
small update on lighting + picture of the matchbox
I really like that, and the texturing is fantastic, the lighting is good too, but I notice the candle shadow isn’t very soft, which detracts from the effect a little. Still, very nice.
Wonderful scene!! it looks like brother’s grimm tale! Nicely done textures, looks very charming…
cool, good work on textures nice lighting