Anybody bought Thea renderer?

double post …


I would describe Thea as a product and architectural renderer.
It has animation capabilities but those are currently only for
moving an object from A to B with keyframes and interpolating
the motion path into a soft curve.

It is in no way comparable to animation in Blender at all.
As Jrboddie1 said rendertimes can be higher when you select
very good settings or well unbiased mode.

If you, since you mentioned bones, want to animate characters
it looks the yafaray development soon seems to gain a level where
you can test the new version.

Yafaray while having also GI still is much more suited for animations.
Plus currently Yafaray already can render some modules such as
particles and hair Thea cannot. Thea also does not have fast SSS
since it is physical based and thus uses a slow but correct method.

Yafaray will I think have a quite decent fast SSS and thus makes it
more usable for fast animation.

I want to try the demo version but the blender exporter for 2.54b doesn’t work for me. I get this error.

I might be confusing this problem with another program, but make sure you’ve saved your .blend file before running the exporter.

It didn’t work. I get this whenever I try activating the pluging from “addons” I tried puting it in the “io” folder as well and I get the same error. Don’t know why.

try getting a different blender 2.54 build

One of my friends bought one last month and felt quite satisfied with the software.

well I spend to day on the material system.
while the procedural system is not that extensive
but it offers some nice material properties.

Most welcome are radial blur brush patterns.


I tried with the official 2.54 release as well as with other recent builds and still get the same error. I guess it has to do with my system if nobody else is getting that error. Any ideas?


Please try latest version of the exporter.

To make plug-in available in Blender go to File/User Preferences/Addons and install addon.
In case of problems with that method copy render_thea directory to your blender scripts/addons directory and then start Blender, go to menu File/User Preferences/Addons and enable Thea Render addon.

Remember to install Thea with install script before you try exporter. Exporter will work with official release and probably won’t work with latest builds.
Constant API changes are bit confusing so I’ve decided to stay with official releases only.

Mh I did not get this error message.


di you install a Python?