I decided to tackle it this year. Anybody else?
(for info: nanowrimo.org)
My siblings took this on for the first time last year, and are anxious to get at it again.
Nope. I’m just plugging away at an animation screenplay. The outline is mostly done, the first rough draft might be finished by Christmas. Novel Writing Month? I wish.
BTW: Good luck, blenditall
Guess you wouldn’t be in for http://www.scriptfrenzy.org/, huh? My siblings did THAT too, and succeeded.
A month can be quite a bit of time! And sometimes, we spend WAY too much time working on stuff that just needs to get moving.
I attempted to write a novel about 4 years ago. I got 20 or so pages into it, but I found something funner to do, and quit that. Perhaps I should do this, because 50,000 words isn’t bad at all. As long as I can think up a good plot, and get an outline written out. I should be able to pump out at least 3,000 words a day, if not more. So, ten days to get a plot, and outline finished. And then 20 days to type the story.
I’m in! :ba:
every time i try to write a story, i stop and begin to animate it with blender
Tried in 04 or 05 but depression and general suck killed it a few days in. Might try again in 08, got too many other things this year.
I hadn’t heard of it, but now I’m really tempted to try it. I’m taking a creative writing course right now though, so I’m not sure if my assignments from that might interfere too much. (Some of you may remember I wrote a novel a while ago, showed it to you guys, and the overall consensus was that it was lousy. Ah, well.)
I must be insane. I just signed up, with full knowledge of the fact that I’m going to have to write short stories for my creative writing class at the same time.
lets see those, eh?
I tried to do this last year, but stopped at 400 words…lol.
Yes! PlantPerson has signed up… that’s one more recruit… lousy writers will soon take over the world:evilgrin:
Who you calling lousy!
My novel is going to PWN!!! :ba:
lets see those, eh?
no, they’re not good enough for here.:o i dont want to be a cyborg dragon
I might actually do this.
EDIT: Uh oh, I joined. How I’m going to come up with a story, write 50,000 words, survive work, and stay caught up in school is beyond me.
I wish I had the patience to write a novel. I barely have the patience to storyboard a 45-second long animation
Hey now…was that really necessary?
Even I wouldn’t call my writing lousy.
There is always someone worse.
Just look at fanfiction.net
Of course, if you want a laugh, go look at the RP rooms on deviantart.
Just joking around, since you said people thought your last novel was lousy. Anyway, the main point of NaNoWriMo is quantity, not quality, so it’s ok to suck. I’m not attempting a masterpiece. Just trying to finish the thing:).
Hope anybody who has signed up goes through with it:).
I just signed up… I will do this on the condition that 1 month from now this thread gets resurrected as we post links to our novels in some format, be it .txt html or whatever. I already know what story I’ll be writing. That site claims you win just by getting 50,000 words. I say you win by destroying all competition.