Hello, i’ve tried, i really have, but i can’t work out how to put plugins into blender. Please don’t laugh at me. I’m new to this. I have the 2.4.3 version of blender, and i have just found a script for exporting md3 files, which i found out about roughly 3 hours ago. Now, how do i put the scripts into blender? All of the tutorials seem to assume that i know various fundamental terms which to me are not at all fundamental. When i look up plugins on the forum search, seemingly simplistic titles turn into extensive metajargon when i click them. Now, what i would really like would be for someone to help me install this plugin into python by assuming only that i can speak english and , on a good day, locate the boxes and folders you may be talking about.
Help or drooling moron guide links would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
You don’t need to install anything for blender to run most python scripts. In a way blender has python and pretty much anything you’ll ever need to use scripts inside it.
Now step one, open a text window. In the blender window put the mouse over the border between the 3d view and the part with all the buttons. When you “right click” on that border you can split that window making a new one.
In the left bottom corner of the new area you made is a box where you can select what sort of window you want it to be… make it a “Text Editor”.
Got that? Step two… open the script in this window… Simply select File/Open and then find your file, wherever it is on your computer and open it.
Now you can see the actual script in the editor… If you now have your mouse hovering anywhere in that window and click ALT + p on your keyboard it will run the script…
oh, i stand corrected! it all works fine now! Cool, i can use all the groovy plugins! I am so happy i’m going to post an elvis emoticon. :RocknRoll:. Thank you so much!