I finally downloaded and installed the new 2.28a version. I have noticed the new material buttons and texture plugins but certain really useful things have gone walkabout. :<
Where has the second render buffer gone? The ‘J-Key’ in the render window seems to have been disabled. :<
Where has the zoom function and colour picker from the render window gone? The ‘Z-Key’ also seems to have been disabled. :<
No Suzanne mesh. It used to be at the end of the Add>Mesh list. :<
Is this due to the new Python API, or due to the fact that something new can only be added at the cost of removing something old? :<
2.25 still seems to be the choice for modeling for me, but I’m longing to use the new shaders etc, but with no double render buffer this is very annoying. I aways flick between renders to check against minor changes whilst setting up textures and materials. :<
Maybe this is just me climbing up onto my high horse and I’ve missed the boat completely in the process.
Anybody else find anything you really relied on in the previous builds of Blender, is now not there anymore? (Not including the game engine.)
sonix, I once noticed that same thing with the monkey on an earlier version, but it wasn’t that the monkey was not there, but only when i called up the menu with spacebar, and not when i accessed it from the pulldown menu at the top. so, try space>>add>>mesh>>monkey
Sorry to ask what should be a ‘newbie’ question here, but after searching 3 times for the answer I need to know. How do you make the ‘j’ key work for comparing 2 renders? When I’ve done 2 succesive renders, I’ve hit the j key only to see a black screen and then the last render again. I magically got it to work once, but it must have been some other sequence of cursor placement key strike that I’ve never been able to recreate.
Thanks guys, and apologies for knotting the thread.
The J key acts like a toggle switch. If you hit it once, blender will render to buffer 2, if you hit it again, it’ll render in buffer 1 again. In order to compare to renders you have to press the j-key, render, press the j key again, and then render again. Otherwise you’ll keep rendering to the same buffer over and over. So:
Render Once
Press J when viewing render to swap to buffer 2
Render again
Press J to swap back and forth between render 1 and 2 to your heart’s content. Hope this helps!