Anyone interested in working together?

Hi everyone my name is Tyler and I am looking for someone or a group of people to work together on some projects. This is not for payment or any serious deadlines, it is merely for learning the ins and outs of Blender in a group setting. I am not a dictator or director I am really just looking to build a group of friends in the blender community and have fun working on projects together.

A little about myself: I am 18 and from Ohio (I don’t care about age at all but if you do no worries!). I have been using blender for roughly two years now, not religiously just on and off. My skill level would probably be somewhere in the intermediate range and I still have plenty to learn!
What were looking for : Anyone who wants to learn about blender and have fun in a group setting. Skill level does not matter because everyone has to learn and I would be glad to help up until my skill range and then we can still work together to improve. Not concerned with age or any other social factor. Really just looking for people interested in laid back group.

What we will be doing: The simple answer is whatever we want. I personally would like to explore a large scene setting with multiple people working on different parts of the scene. Also showing are progress and creating things that we can show to the group and how its made. Also along the way we will be helping each other out with questions and such and if someone is interesting in tutoring others that would be great! Any and all input from the rest of the group will be appreciated because whats the point of working if everyone isn’t working on something they enjoy.
The main focus will be collaboration, this is not to show off skill levels but rather to learn and gain experience! Thanks for the time! ~ Tyler
Edit: Don’t worry if you find this post days later and still want to join. There is no closing time on the group feel free to join at any time just send me a pm for the best way to contact you and I will be in touch!

Edit: We got a group going on now of various levels together but the more the merrier;) I wont post the link to the site we made( that would be poor taste seeing as my thread count.) You can message me here or on skype: gm5356

My apologies didn’t see the off topic area.

Here’s an update were meeting up for the first official meeting today on skype anyone is welcome to join. My Skype is. gm5356

Post a link to your work,

Also, just because you don’t have help does not mean you should not start.


A - you finish alone

B - People help you when they like something they see in the project, or you.