And what about things like fluid?, I’m thinking about getting when I get good enough to make money with Blender and was wondering what it could render.
If not, Do you think it will in the future?.
And another thing, How many accounts can you have on here?. I’d like to get a new name or change it but I don’t want to break any rules.
Edit:I would try it but my 2.5 exporter isn’t working and I don’t know how to do it in 2.49
I saw a picture on their forum of a character with hair but I don’t know if that’s the same.
I agree Thea’s pretty cool. Haven’t spent much time with it yet but I’ve been impressed with the gallery and I’ve heard the render times are pretty good.
One last thing-Anyone know how Kerkythea and Thea preform on 64 Bit Windows?. I’ve had a bug earlier with Kerkythea where the render settings wouldn’t come up once.
And once when I opened it and it didn’t jump straight to Kerkythea, It stayed on Firefox. It might have just shown the splash screen, I can’t remember.
Maybe it’s a problem with Vista(SP1)?
Trying to decide if I should go with 64 Bit Win 7 or 32 Bit.
Please don’t mix Kerkythea and Thea, they have some developer and most of the support team is same… but engines, material,… basically everything is made from scratch for Thea. There are some minor parts similar to KT (like instancing brush). Kerkythea and Thea both do share same unique principle in material system, same material definition is good for biased and unbiased rendering (and naturally for interactive rendering). Thea Render has (at the moment ) 32/64-bit apps for linux and windows. 32-bit for mac (but when released there will be 64-bit for mac too). You can use mixed platforms for network rendering (like win7 32-bit for server, Linux 64-bit fror render node#1 and mac for render node#2).
Notareal, apart from the commercial :eyebrowlift2: it would be useful if you could shed some light on the questions rised in this thread.
Thanks in advance!
One final thing:Is Kerkythea pretty stable/Bug free for you?. It’s been buggy for me. Like when you go to Apply Material>Basic Pack the list coming up was jerky for me once.
to be honest forget about Kerythea. I know both, go with Thea.
159 Euro is nothing for what they offer.
Trust me, I am in 3d since I am 14 and grew up with it.
The feature richness, the tool quality, and the render speed is just mind blowing
for their price tag!
Yeah,Thea is really a promising render(probably one of the best I have seen)
The current limitations are that for now it’s a bit too much oriented to architectural work and not much to other field(missing hair and catmul subdivision on the fly(this is useful for organic displacement because now the displacement can’t do curved surface and you have to export huge meshes to have curved surfaces),and also missing a specialized solution for skin shading(but unbiased sss is really great)),
But it seems evertything is planned for the future so let’s hope for the best.
Yeah, I’m thinking about getting it in the future when I get serious about making money selling models. And maybe using Kerky for fun/Work until until then. Was just curious if Kerky was pretty stable too.
I found kerky itself great if you exported your models as objs from Blender and brought them into Kerkythea directly. You’d have to set up your lights and mats sepearately in Kerkythea.
There was an exporter (I think) and a dedicated branch of Blender that handled export functions from within Blender. I found that both of them crashed more than just often.
Not tried either on Win 64. Download them and give them a try. That is part of the fun of Blender.