Anyone know of free sound software to pull apart

a sound file? Meaning, I have a file with two people singing in it. Id like to get rid of one of the voices.

I had a really good tool that I think would have accomplished this, store bought, but I cant find the fool thing. And its old, I might have a hared time getting it working on xp (even playing with the properties).

OK, thanks again.

What you want to do sounds like a tall order, but you can at least try Audacity.
(google it)

yea, audacity rocks… and free …

THANK you. Will do.

This is impossible to do. Removing anything like that perfectly is impossible, especially two voices. And believe me, I’ve tried.

I had a really good tool that I think would have accomplished this

I think you’re thinking of removing vocals from CD music. In those cases, seperate bits of music are often stored as different tracks, making it possible to split apart the flie and remove parts of it, but if it’s just a normal WAV with both voices recorded at once then that’s not possible as it’s all mixed into one track. It would be helpful if it was possible to do this though:yes: Maybe in Audacity 7.0…

hi, depending on the original file you may be able to remove the voice by messing around with removing frequencies, both voices should be at different frequencies so if you remove the frequency that has the voice you don’t want, it should nearly disappear. Not a perfect solution but worth a try.

NO! Dont tell me that… :slight_smile:

The original, is a recorded from an old tape answering machine. Its Happy B Day, LOL.

Yes, removing just a frequency. A colored line, in my lanuage, :yes: . As I remember, I could change anything, and drag anything up or down, and put in cuts, etc. But maybe because of the way this was recorded, it wont work.

I will play with it anyway, its sooo worth it to me to get one of the voices by itself. Its a <3 thing.

Thanks for helping.