Is it possable to play burn video, picture and sound on a Gamecube ? If so, then how ?
My firend is going to burn some music on a mini cd that would fit in the gamecube and he bet me $15 it would play. But we haven’t tried it yet. I doubt that it would play a DVD either. I’ll try it for you anyway as soon as he burns the cd.
not really
there was a gamecube made that could play dvds and cds, but I believe it was only sold in japan for privacy concerns.
the game cube is not a [generic] home entertainment system, it is a game console
not really
there was a gamecube made that could play dvds and cds, but I believe it was only sold in japan for privacy concerns.
the game cube is not a [generic] home entertainment system, it is a game console[/quote]
I notice a barcode reading on the inner side of the disk, I’m sure this is part of the process, you think there’s stickers that are sold or can be printed out ?
There’s a barcode on the inner ring of pretty much every CD.
I notice a barcode reading on the inner side of the disk, I’m sure this is part of the process, you think there’s stickers that are sold or can be printed out ?[/quote]
and cdrom drives can’t read the barcode, both the laser doesn’t go that far and barcodes are nothing like the format they read.
I notice a barcode reading on the inner side of the disk, I’m sure this is part of the process, you think there’s stickers that are sold or can be printed out ?[/quote]
and cdrom drives can’t read the barcode, both the laser doesn’t go that far and barcodes are nothing like the format they read.[/quote]
Yea, but I compare it to my pocket cd-r and I didn’t see no barcard on it. Maybe I try a test.
The GC disks are custom made, not only in size but “format”…that’s all I know
z3ro is right, they do have 'cubes in japan that can play dvds, but no where else. I wouldn’t think the gamecube would be capable of playing normal dvds. There is probably someway to do it, but i doubt anyone but nintendo could do it.
Panasonis released a GC with a DVD reader drive…
you can try checking out
Nintendo i a real pain when it comes to piracy (from a pirate’s point of view)
From a gamer’s point of view, they are great! 8)
No the GameCube was created for playing games not for playing dvd’s
As far as the copy protection goes the dvd is a regular 8cm dvd but it spins in the opposite direction since the data is stored in the opposite direction, thus making it hard to make illegal copies of games etc.
Yes Panasonic did release their own version of the GameCube which can play both gc games and regular dvd’s, but indeed only in Japan as far as I know.
I’m sure there are lots of smart people around though who have found ways around this,… but those methods aren’t to be discussed here since they would be against the law.
OK gotcha
Ill say this though
I can be done …
keep looking youll find it
I didn’t say I want it to play games, I said videos, picture and music, there’s a big differents between games and media. How am I suggestion piracy ? (Not that I care)
if you could enable yourself to do that, you would also be able to pirate games
the gamecube wasn’t made for it, it isn’t possible legally (arguable, depends on how much you believe in the ip system and the dmca, and a bit on if you will tell anyone how you did it, or sell it to people)
Al_Capone , I wasn’t accusing you, but the basic thing is that the GC doesn’t play this stuff, and it is illegal to tamper with your GC to make it play this stuff.
So if it were possible and someone knew how, it shouldn’t be discussed here, that’s all I’m saying
There was no papers that was sighn that said someone couldn’t, doesn’t the comman law over ride such pratice ?
By buying and using it, you agree with the terms of usage written in the booklet. And yes, this is legal.
yea, but there’s no proof that it was open by the buyer, a gamecube can be sold without the package and booklet and there must be proof of the buyer who open the package and hand over to sibling had agree with the term, they need a waver that makes the buyer responsable of what will happen, the waver also need to include that the person they hand it over to, will also sighn the waver by legal age and make the person responsable for doing the same. A company doesn’t need a law to do this and it shouldn’t be there in a first place, you just need an agreedment and proof that is back up by law.
Well if doing it would make it possible to pirate something its illegal under the DMCA. Of course, the DMCA also makes a shift key or a felt tip marker illegal as well.
If government and politics is BS then the laws that is created by them is BS as well, so why except it ? Like I said, you can’t patent math and science so why patent it at all ? The only logical thing that can be done is to except credit for discovering it. Just because you descover gravity doesn’t mean you can patent and charge everyone for using gravity, does it not ? Besides, why should you go by DMCA law ? There’s whole bunch of laws, it all depends which one you accept, right ?