Anyone seen this Site???

Anyone seen this new site over on TechTV’s site???

Looks like it may have some cool content. check it out and let me know what ya think :smiley:


Hrm! Is Eye Drops a new show with 3D cartoons? Cool! :slight_smile:

Tech TV is the site that informed me of Blender’s presence to begine with . Great site. It tends to be geared towards Mac and Linux, but that isn’t a bad thing is it? General computer information— but you should be able to find just about anything there.

To Scottish Pig— One of the “moderators” wears a Kilt every once and a while. Not Plaid----but still, it’s a kilt. Have you ever seen the Monty Python episode about the “Blamanche”?

eh, fair site. I have always wanted to actually WATCH some of the stuff that they are advertising in their articles (by downloading, not streaming). Drives me nuts that you can’t, so I steer clear.