anyone tried coke blak?

I just had a bottle of it, tastes like tar (stomachache).
anyone else tried it?

No. What the heck is it? Never heard of it.

me neither, i havent even heard of it

what country do you live in?, sometimes it comes out in certain countrys and not others

i think its a one with no sugar in at all or something like that…probably taste like crap with no sugar in…

Its coke with ‘coffee essence’.

Website for Coke Blak

ive seen it everywhere, but i dont think ill ever get it.

its like a little black coke bottle…

I’ve tried it. It’s supposed to be coke with coffee in it, but it tastes like chocolate. :confused:

I saw the add for it. I love everything cokes makes, so I can’t wait to try this. Where did you buy it? I haven’t seen it anyware.

Are you saying that Lime coke stuff was GOOD?!

Bursts into song
You put the lime in the coke you nut
drink 'em both up
Put the lime in the coke you not
and you feel better (was that in the song? Cant remeber… It was in the orignal Coconut by Harry Nielson)
back to regular speech
Well, soda+coffee usally doesn’t taste too good, but I might try it


blak sounds nasty

I wasted $1.59 on a Coke Blak once. Needless to say it didn’t taste very good.

Hells yes.

(In before someone uses this thread to comment on Americans)

I’ll bite. Americans are a bunch of marketing obsessed lamers willing to try anything once if the commercial says it tastes good.

Now, where’s my 2 bucks and/or cookie for this lame little marketroid mall survey?

Here’s your cookie:

Eat up.

Ugh… another one of these retro things. Like diet pills or snackbars or energy drinks. I think people actually use this stuff to fit in.

Im still trying to figure out why coke feels the need to make all that crap. Whats wront with the regular coke?

Only thing that they did right is the sprite flavors.

Coke Blak or rat poison?

Coke blak tastes good if you blend it with vanilla ice cream into a float, otherwise it’s a total waste of money.

Coke blak tastes good if you blend it with vanilla ice cream into a float, otherwise it’s a total waste of money.

That’s a good idea, like how some wine tastes bad by itself, but is good for cooking.

Coke Blak or rat poison?

Uhh… the Coke Blak. Even the spelling is what I’m talking about. Names like that could kill people.

Ra T P0150>N

That sounds good! Might as well be leet.