Anyone using Gimp on Windows?

An OS is only as good as the apps it runs and the hardware it runs. When Linux runs the apps I want/need and handles my hardware (scanner, tablet and so on) as well as Windows does I’ll switch. Until then, Linux has no place on my desktop.


Until then, Linux has no place on my desktop.
Well, I wouldn’t want to use your boring desktop then.

DanielP about your problems with WinGimp, you can also check out this:

It’s the Gimp Users Group and they have lots of forums there…

There is a specific forum for WinGimp over there…

Perhaps they would provide you some more info on how to solve your problem…

I hope this helps a little bit more…

Have fun…


Already checked Gimp User Group…



An OS is NOT only as good as it’s apps. The OS comes first, then the apps. Consider the millions of dollars people spent to make PhotoShop, then consider the dollars spent to make GIMP – probably none! It was all donations.

Now tell me what the more eager, more equipped, brilliant programmers use? I for one use BOTH. I’m a programmer by trade (and NOT a brilliant one), but being one that has done this for 20 years, believe me, Linux is the better OS! The fact that your app doesn’t run on Linux means that you either haven’t tried WINE or you haven’t looked hard enough for a replacement.

There are some apps with no equivilents in the Linux world, but in the Graphics world, I’d have a hard time buyng this!


Ridiculous. Wine? Please. I run Photoshop (Gimp is close but not close enough), Photopaint (the Linux version uses Wine), FilmFX64 (no complete replacement, not even close), Cinema4D (not available on Linux and neither is anything that has the same price/performance/efficiency ratio) and so on. Wine is OK, merely OK, for running office apps, but no option when running heavy duty graphics apps (especially OpenGL ones) for any length of time (it at all). Linux cannot, no chance, replace Windows for me.

You claim the OS comes first. That’s a big load. People run an OS for one reason and one reason only. To gain access to the applications/games they want to run (with the exception of some Linux types who are more interested in their OS and hardware than any actual work they get done with said OS and hardware). It does not matter how good an OS is if the apps you want to use or truly equivalent replacements to your current apps on your current OS of choice do not exist on said OS.

When there is a Linux paint application that is resolution independent, supports 64bit color, is object oriented and has a brush engine as good as FilmFX64, I might “consider” switching. Until then? Linux? What’s Linux?

And I don’t want to hear about major motion picture studios using Linux for computer graphics. I am not buying Maya or XSI. And even if I was, I still can’t use a graphics tablet for my 2d work under Linux with the same control as I can under Windows because the X drivers suck (and the quality 2d apps simply aren’t there in comparison to what I already use). I am NOT rebooting to run my 2d apps under Windows. I will stay within Windows and get all of my work done. And I do. My machine is stable, fast and I have no need to boot into Linux. Linux offers me nothing that matters enough to give up what Windows offers me, and without hassle.


To SatoriGFX and the others: I don’t think there is any point to this conversation…

If you ask me, I don’t find it very good argueing, which os or app is best…

Whatever os or application, is very good as long as it suits your needs and does the job for you…

You find that Windows and Photoshop etc. is best for you… That’s fine with me and I find your arguements justified… Others prefer Linux and it’s apps to do their job… Their arguments are also justified…

Everybody has a good reason for using the programs that he finds more suitable for him…

There’s no reason to try to find out which os or program is the best, cause there isn’t such…

For me Linux does my job pretty well (actually I have a dual boot machine so whenever I need something that the other os doesn’t have it, I’m able to have a better choice…)… For someone else windows is his weapon of choice…

But to call someone else’s choices “crap” or whatever, is not a very good thing (that goes to all directions…)…

Peace to all…
