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I am working on it for you.
I think I got the tracks wrapped around the gears the right way. How do I enable rotation?
This should probably go in Off-Topic, so I reported it to get it moved,
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“Houston, we have a problem.”
I am currently giving it a shot, but I just started blender 5-6 months ago, and have done absolutely no animating, except for a simple cloth simulation… I am struggling with it to say the least. (
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Funny that you should upload that link, CtrlAltDelete, as I had just looked at that in the results of a Google search yesterday.
Anyway, blendman, here is as far as I got. All I really did was change the “chain” array modifier slightly, and edit the bezier curve.
I don’t think I will be able to get the tracks to rotate. Here is the link to the .blend file with the track edited… Hopefully I didn’t mess anything up.
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I think the easiest thing to do might be to follow a tutorial for tank tracks somewhat like what CtrlAltDelete posted. I did a quick Google search the other day and it returned quite a few tutorials. Good luck!!