Sorry for coming here and just asking for help all of the time, but I have another problem. As before, I’ve spent literally hours searching around for an answer, and I am apparently not able to come up with the right search terms to get me anything close.
I understand, or THOUGHT I understood the difference between linking and appending. Instead of referencing data in another file, append is meant to make a copy of the selected data in the current file.
However, I’m finding myself unable to make that work. When I append from another file (yes, I’ve checked that is is appending and not linking) a lot of the time, but not all of the time, instead of getting a local copy all that I get is linked objects. Sometimes I can use the “make local” option, but other times the option is not present in the context or space menus.
Sometimes the whole linked scene instead of the objects or group I selected. Other times all I get is a single empty with the name of the thing I was trying to import, but nothing else, in any scene or any layer.
This also happens with copy/pasting between different blend files. Yes, I’ve made sure that I do not have the “copy attributes” addon enabled.
I’d append blend file, but it happens with a lot of different files, and behaves differently for different objects and groups within a file. I can if asked to, though it seems like it is something with my system, be it a setting, an addon, or something else.
I can try resetting all configurations and the addon list back to stock, but getting things back how I have set them up will be enough of a pain that I thought I should ask here first, in case it is something obvious.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate any response.