append worldPosition?

I need to have position information before and after I move an object. I don’t want to simply reference the data. if I just reference the worldPosition, I will get the same location for before and after.

my code looks something like this:

def test(cont):

    scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()    
    own = cont.owner
    if not "startposition" in scene.objects["camera"]:
        scene.objects["camera"]["startposition"] = scene.objects["camera position"].worldPosition
    # this is the important stuff
    scene.objects["camera"]["startposition"].append(scene.objects["camera position"].worldPosition)
    own.worldPosition = scene.objects[revivepoint].worldPosition
    own.worldPosition.z += 0.2

    if not "endposition" in scene.objects["camera"]:
        scene.objects["camera"]["endposition"] = scene.objects["camera position"].worldPosition

    # this is the important stuff
    scene.objects["camera"]["endposition"].append(scene.objects["camera position"].worldPosition)

I cut out the stuff that didn’t really matter for my question.
