Appended Volume Material Is Invisible

I was hoping some Google-fu would produce the answer to this easily, but unfortunately I didn’t find anything. I’m having problems appending volume materials. What just appended easily into one file is now simply invisible even though the nodes are the same. I appended the object (Sun), but I’ve gone through my settings and I can’t get it to appear. Is this an error or are my world settings or something wrong? I set Volume clip in viewport and camera to start at the lowest amount all the way up to 1000m. There are no image materials, both are completely procedural. I am using Eevee. Thank you.

Sun Atmosphere Error:

r/blenderhelp - Appended Volume Material Is Invisible

Sun Flare Invisible Error:

r/blenderhelp - Appended Volume Material Is Invisible

Sun Atmosphere Correct:

r/blenderhelp - Appended Volume Material Is Invisible

Sun Flare Correct:

r/blenderhelp - Appended Volume Material Is Invisible

Blend File