appending animation from 2.49 to 2.55

Hi everyone,

I hate to post such a noobish question on here, but I’ve just spend the last hour and a half searching around and I can’t find any answers to why animation from the Ipo editor doesn’t append properly from 2.4x to 2.55. I append the object(a camera, in this case), then I append the Ipo, but there’s no datablock in the Graph editor to select an ipo to use.

If what I just said is completely the wrong way to go about it, can someone let me know how to get the camera to move in 2.55, as it did in 2.49b?

I can’t simply re-animate since I need the exact same camera movement to composite a smoke simulation from 2.55 into a scene animation from 2.49b.



IPOs no longer exist in 2.5.
In the graph editor you should see the animation curves for all your objects, if the camera animation has been brought across successfully you’ll see it listed on the left hand side.
As the animation system has changed from 2.49 to 2.5 you should not be assuming the animation to work as you expect. I’d recommend if you start an animation in 2.49 just stick with that.