Appending Mixamo Rig messed up

Hi, i got a scene where i got a rig from mixamo and mixed a few clips, works all fine. got everything in collections.

When i append the pilot collection into a new scene, there appear meshes i cant find in the original file. When i delete them the armature gets scaled wrong, but animation is fine. I am confused.

These objects are probably the controls and they are in the position the original scale was of the character that was re scaled since,

ok, i dont think i scale the rig, cant remember. what do i do ? I want to append it to a bigger scene and i dont want to mess the outliner up with this stuff

You can just hide them from view in render and viewport. What happens when you append that objects that were original hidden re appear.

Ok, but i dont understan that they didnt show up in the outliner in the original file at all. they where not listed

I don’t know the reason but i presume that appending opens items that are in the file data?

Ok found them. They are the custom shapes for some bones. But why do they appear when appending the collection ?

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I get this all the time with rigify WGTS what i usually do is file them into a new collection and hide that collection.

My guess is that maybe the file got confused between the old bone system (bone layers) and the new one (bone collections).

Hm might be. I dont do much with characters. Ok thanks guy, so i put them into collection and hide. I hate that blender does such weird stuff sometimes.

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