appending objects in 2.5 beta 3 on console crashes

Hello there friends,

I’m trying to append an object in blender 2.53 beta using a script in order to make some tasks faster. but When I run the bpy.ops.wm.link_append() in the console blender crashes.

I used the following line in the console for testing:

 bpy.ops.wm.link_append(directory="home/cisco/blends/lol.blend\\Object\\",link=False, filename="Cube") 

But blender crash, then I tried using the text editor inside blender and I ran the the following script with alt+P:

 import bpy;
 bpy.ops.wm.link_append(directory="home/cisco/blends/lol.blend\\Object\\",link=False, filename="Cube") 

And Blender crash again.

UPDATE:I tried the same on Mac OS X (Snow Leopard) and works OK, but in Ubuntu 10.04 I get the crash :s

UPDATE II: I make a test on Windows 7 and all works ok, It seams that the script only makes blender crash running on Ubuntu, maybe there is some lib that I forgot to install

Any hint?, Thanks in advance