Apple joins Blender Development Fund

Finally! but also “better late than never”.
The BF does no longer has to waste time on the Extrawurst that is Apple and their politics and can concentrate on important stuff.
Apple users get competent support (hopefully) and everybody is happy. :sunflower:
Now its time to grab our tinfoil head and start to spout insane conspiracy theories about apple taking over the BF, or starting an Apple vs Windows battle, lament how everything was always better in the past and be grumpy grandpas hating on them younglings ( I dare you!!!).


Nah… I think people are exhausted by these theories by now and there was not a single fact to support them.

I also think it was really new to see huge companies to support Blender initially and now it’s just a regular news.

I think people are more surprised if some big companies don’t support Blender. :slightly_smiling_face: Especially the ones that would be a perfect fit.

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It was an attempt of an Joke at their cost, you’re taking me way too serious. :wink:


i’m cautiously hopeful between this news and the announced m1 max macbook pros, which seem amazing on paper.

but i think i’m going to wait till some alpha builds of 3.1 come along and we can get some real world apple silicon results first. i got burned with my current macbook pro from 2018; it’s honestly felt like the most compromised apple product i’ve ever owned. i’d probably have reluctantly jumped ship for a windows build by now if 3080s hadn’t been so impossible to get a hold of.

but if apple can deliver on a powerful laptop gpu that with cycles support, i’ll 100% bite.

I was going to already sell Apple and switch to Windows! I have already prepared an advertisement for the sale. And here’s the news! Perhaps I’ll postpone the wait until I start switching to Windows.

Any reason the Apple logo isn’t listed on Development Fund - and the monthly contribution isn’t going up?


I think the Epic Megagrant is going to dry up soon. In 2019 it was announced as 1.2 Million Dollars over 3 years.

They decided not to show the apple logo there. I guess there also not add the amount they got to the pool.

Another thing is Epic wanted to help improve the animation system right? Yeah… But they will probably continue the support. Not Ubisoft though or maybe when an actually project starts to improve the animation system.

Was never a fan of apple for multiple reasons but its great they start to support blender on it.

As far as i can see corporate memberships have some delay/inconsistency on website.
Recently Microsoft was also absent for a month when they renewed membership.

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There i hope after all! I won’t have to buy a Windoze machine after all.

The new chips are pretty good and the updated davinci resolve version shows significant boosts.