Applied booleen object - cant render.

Hi there. I am really new to blender and need a little help as I know Ill keep hitting this problem.

I have made a rectangle object and inserted two holes using two cylinders (joined). I hit apply and it seemed to work but I can not see my object in the render?

After the applying the boolean i joined the modified rectange to other objects. whould this have to do somethign with it.
I can still see my object in wire frame, shaded and textured but it will not render.
any help is greatly appreciated.


is it solid black? or invisable? if its black then its most likely because ur using the internal render engien, and have no light sorce.

i would recomend you to swich to the cycles engien. as it is a lot better in most ways. not sure why its not default…

anyway, as for your problem, in case you want to stick to the internal engien, try CTRL + A and add a light sorce. that should make your object visable.

if your object is transparent, then i dont know why this is happening.

Hey There. Excuse my delay. thanks for that. I got it sorted.