Apply an image to a curved surface

Hello :slight_smile:
I want to apply an image or texture onto my car model, but I didn’t find a way of applying it to the surface like you would do with a sticker for example. I tried using the stencil and other texture draw tools but all of those seem to not warp the image.

(Actual looks)
The problem is I can’t apply it to the unwrapped 2D texture, because it stretches on multiple different parts and I’m not allowed to unwrap it in a different way.

I hope you can help me. Stay safe, and have a great day ^^


Hi there. The simplest way might be using the shrink wrap modifier, then solidifying the sticker just a very very slight way outwards :slight_smile:

As @AgentTuron said use a shrink-wrap modifier, and use Projection, make sure to subdivide the Decal and add a subdivision modifier for the best results.
First though, examine the mesh as from your image it looks like you have duplicated geometry, that will really mess up the shrinkwrap…you can tweak the quality on parts that intersect the car by selecting faces around the area and subdividing some more for a better fit…

Thank you for your answers ^^
I forgot to include that I want to use the Textures I made in Blender as a custom skin for Trackmania, which means I can only edit the textures, otherwise it won’t show up in Trackmania.
(I didn’t even know you could shrink-wrap an object to another cool modifier tho)
It is possible in substance-painter so I thought it might also be possible in Blender as I don’t want to spend 20€ a month on a single program.

I hope there is still a way to do so, stay safe, and have a great day ^^

Then maybe you can create a second (temporary) UV map or duplicate the object and unwrap it differently. And then bake the texture back to original UV.

Or you can use shrinkwrapped decal like the user above suggests and bake with that

Thank you for your answer ^^
I did a bit of research and I think I’ll just use Mixer for this purpose, as it seems to be an easier solution to my problem.
Nevertheless, I thank you all for your solutions ^^

Stay safe and have a great day