We start by adding Suzanne, and remove the eyes because they are of no interest here. Hit F to enter UV/Faceselect Mode. Apply a checkermap texture.
I finally found the monkey, but I dont think it has separate eyes because I cant select them. I cant find the checkermap texture under texture etc.
I searched the wikki, but the only source for checkermap was this page.
As a noob, I could create a black and white image, but I have no idea how to bring it into blender to apply as a texture map to the monkey.
In the UVImage Editor >> Image >> New >> UV TestMap
Wow thats bright. But I need to apply it to the monkey before I unwrap him so I can see where it stretches, I think. I have only read one tut about unwrapping a couple months ago, so I could be wrong?
Do these steps to get going with this (intermediate level) tutorial.
Removing the eyes: The eyes are part of the mesh, but separated from the rest of the head. In Edit mode select a single vertex of an eye and hit the L-key. All the eye’s vertices should get selected. X-key, delete vertices. Do same for other eye.
Split the window. Open the UV/Image editor in the new window.
Select Suzanne in Object mode, then Fkey to go to face mode. All faces should already be selected by default (light purple). You can use the A key to select them all.
In the UV/Image editor window, do Image menu->New->UV Test grid as fligh indicated. The UV test grid will open in the image view and will be “applied” to Suzanne, although very badly because she hasn’t been properly unwrapped yet. Those dotted lines in the UV/Image editor are the faces from the mesh, all laid on top of each other, so each face is getting textured with nearly the entire image. Unwrapping is the process of sorting the faces out so they don’t lie on top of each other.
Now you should be able to follow the tutorial from where it first tells you to use U key to unwrap the mesh.
If you want to use your own black and white checkerboard, create and save it in a separate 2d program like Gimp or Paint. Then for step 4 above do instead Image menu-> Open and browse to your image.
OK, so following the steps above, I thought the monkey had separate eyes but it doesnt. I pointed at the eye and hit the L key and deleted. LOLOLOL… it deleted the Monkey mesh, leaving the eyes and deleted the center of the eye I was pointing at!
I tried it four times and on the 4th time it worked. LOL, but I dont know why. smile.
So then I split the screen, and went to uv image editor and had a monkey in both windows. Then clicked image > new> and that grid.
The monkey image disappeared and in its place is a big blue box.
I split the head and unwrapped it and it is just a mesh on the normal grid. Not with the checkerboard map on it.
You say this is an (intermediate level) tut. Im a noob, and just finished the http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/BSoD/Introduction_to_Character_Animation/Final_animation
Well after I add the wav in the avi, or whatever. I had to stop and download some stuff, and wanted to figure out how to put my own image on an object so that tut was the first one I found for unwrapping in blender.
But it is short and I have moved on to this one now: http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Unwrapping_a_Mesh
LOL, a little longer tut too.
I read a tut for milkshape building a character, mapping, compiling etc but could never get past the character building in Milkshape. Couldnt grab the right vertices…but flew through the tut in blender! what a diffrence.
Anyway, thanks very much, please try to figure out what Im doing wrong and how I can get that checkerboard on the mesh itself?
Thank you. I have closed the file and started new twice and still the same thing.
I split the head and unwrapped it and it is just a mesh on the normal grid
If I understand you right, this is probably because you’re not using the Textured display mode. Do Alt-Z in the 3D window or select Textured from the DrawType menu in the header. If you want to see the UV mapped texture in a render, make sure you turn on Texface in the Material panels.
I split the screen, and went to uv image editor and had a monkey in both windows
This isn’t supposed to happen if all you’ve done is open the UV/Image editor. You should just see the gray image grid.
The new tutorial you mentioned is much better. Some of it is specific to version 2.43, but the basics are the same for earlier versions of Blender. Good luck!
Yes, I didnt think I should see the monkey in the uv winder either. Actually it was only there for a little bit then gone.
Thanks for your help. I think I understand a little more after playing with the uv window and different unwraps. There are so many options, it scares me.
I think I will get the new book when it comes out.
Thanks for helping.